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Entire world was ready to welcome new year same was us. Mumbai Escorts Me Mahesh a 10 year boy and my 2 sisters Soundarya, lavanya, mom saraswati devi ,dad Nageshwar Kapoor , my mama harivansh rai, mami saumya kumari, and my cousine aaishwarya . My dad was having a big retail shop of girls cloths all over india. And my mama was having Jwellery shop all over india. We all celebrated 31st night and got to sleep. It was next day when we heard that there was a big blast in petrol mine at iraq. And the blast was so big that it was almost distroyed every thing. And the mine was burning till 4 months. But dut the huge lost all world economy was badly hurted and it was the main reason to start the world war. All europien and american contries along with india and japan got to one side and on another side were chin, rashia,austrelia and eslamic countries along with south african contries. Mumbai Escorts Service Everyone was affected by the war. In year 2018 the world war was called off. There was huge life loss over 40% of men population was killed and no which was only 40 % of total population. But this is the not only problem the big was the the nuclear bombs which were used. Due to this there very bad side effects on entire humanity. Men were slowly becoming delicate women become more dominant and confidance. and now by the end of 2020 no man was having mustache and not a single hair on body except eye bros and head a d eye lashes. Though there was not many facial changes in woman but height of normal woman was increased one and half feet. Now avarage height of a women was 6 feet and 6 inch. And which was for men is below 6 feet. By the end of 2021 women breast was started to reduce and also small mustach was showing on there face there body become more muscular. While men become very delicate and also they stared to grow breast. Call Girl in Mumbai Now by the end of 2022 men are having full c cup breast though they have a penis in between leg but the whole body was become so soft and feminine. While women were now fully confidant and almost ready to rule world. Mumbai Escorts There were also some changes now every country was ruled by womens while men was in no picture not even permitted to go out of house without women. Men were only allowed to do household chores. Even they were not allowed to vote, drive they are strictly obey there mother and wifes.
